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Darrell Mann
the principal SI architect

Photo: Empyrus Films
Darrell has devoted his whole life to the world of innovation. From inventing new games as an annoying pre-schooler, to reading Edward de Bono books at the age of ten, to spending 15 years running R&D programmes at Rolls-Royce, to teaching at some of the finest academic institutions, to establishing SI 25 years ago, he’s had the good fortune to work in every industry with some of the most famous organisations, on every continent of the planet, learning from and working with some of the greatest innovators.
He’s an accidental innovation Authority in an either/or world of academics and artisans.
You can read more about him and his (less formal) thoughts on innovation at:
"The only thing a Business School Professor can teach you is how to be a Business School Professor"
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

"We are being ruined by best effort put forth as best intentions but without guidance of a theory of management"
W. Edwards Deming
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